At 2:15pm on October 20, 2012, Class President Mike Novak called the Annual Meeting to Order. The meeting was held at the Class of 1970 tailgate tent immediately prior to Navy’s homecoming game at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium in Annapolis. There was a good turnout for the meeting.
After welcoming everyone in attendance to the meeting, Mike reported that the Treasurer’s Report is not yet available, and that it would be posted on the Class web site when received.
Membership Secretary, Jerry Farrell reported via email that we lost six classmates since last year’s meeting:
- Michael Costello (passed 18 September 2011)
- Thomas L. Bricken, 21st Company (passed 6 March 2012)
- Hank Shaw (passed July 2012)
- Steven J. Cranney, 2nd Company (passed 11 July 2012)
- David R. Ruth (passed 23 July 2012)
- Jon Jensen, 23rd Company (passed 24 August 2012)
- Ninety of those admitted with the Class of 1970 have passed away. Sixty one graduates have died.
- Alumni Association membership has slightly improved since last year. 4% are now Annual Members, down from 6% last year; but Life Membership is up from 52% last year to 56% this year. So overall, we are up 2% to 60% of the Class as members of the Alumni Assn. 10% more to go to reach our goal of 70%.
Corresponding Secretary Royal Connell reported via email that we continue to provide news items for our Shipmate column.
Mike Novak reported that several months ago a number of Classmates had formed a committee to begin working on Class fundraising. Goals have been established: $1,970,000.00 by the 50th Reunion; and $19,700,000.00 that will provide a future influx of contributions to the Class of 1970 Legacy Fund (purpose to be determined).
Reunion Committee Chairman Dan Bowler provided an update of plans for our 45th Reunion in 2015:
Planning notes for our 45th reunion:
- The USNA Alumni Association Reunion Coordinator is now Ms. Holly Powers –, 410-295-4017.
- Our 45th Reunion is planned for the weekend of Thursday, 24 Sep – Sunday, 27 Sep 2015.
- We have already signed a contract with Loews Hotel for the 45th Reunion.
- The tentative football game opponent will be SMU. Given the shift to the Big East Conference for football in 2015, a key issue is the football schedule for the 2015 season.
- The same basic schedule we had for the earlier reunions will be used for the 45th reunion:
- Reception on Thursday, 24 Sep
- Dinner on Friday, 25 Sep
- Game & Tailgate on Saturday, 26 Sep
- Company get togethers on 24, 25, and 27 Oct
- Golf on Friday or Saturday
- We had 810 attendees at the 45th Reunion. Historically, there will be fewer attendees for the 45th; a planning figure is about 500 attendees.
- Gino Marchetti, 45th Reunion Tailgate Committee Chairman, should contact USNA now to discuss getting the Class of '53 Pavilion for the 45th Reunion tailgate if he wants this venue for the tailgate.
- The Reunion Handbook is on the Alumni Association web site (
- The Reunion Committee will, as before, consist of multiple subcommittees:
- Tailgate – Gino Marchetti
- Tours – Jim Linville
- Hotels – TBD
- Reception - Dan Rugg
- Golf - Bill Parks, Bill Webb, Nubi Knudsen
- Dinner Dance – Pete Roberts, Lloyd Eadie, Lynn Widener
- Hospitality Suite – Hillary Knieriem, Marijo Heyworth, Karen Young, Betsy Linville
- Supt’s Briefing / USNAAA Briefing – Jerry Farrell
- Online Registration / Web Site – Nick Visco
- Memorabilia - TBD
- Transportation / Buses – Pat Dawson
- Badges – Ed Gumkowski
- Bike Ride – Grant Thorpe
- Memorial Service – Kerry Smith
- Budget – TBD
- Communications / Reunion Brochure – Barry Steelman
Tailgate Coordinator Gino Marchetti gave a brief recap of tailgates thus far
- The “Pot Luck” format seems to be popular, and will continue (at least for one or two more home games).
- All were encouraged to submit their contributions to defray the cost of the tailgate tents.
- Barry Steelman and his son, Elliot, are planning the details for the Army tailgate. The 113th Army Navy Game is being played in Philadelphia on Saturday, December 8, 2012. We will have at least one RV. Our caterer will once again be BigBama Barbeque. The menu is extensive and the cost is $25.00 per person. Details to follow In the near future.
Capstone Seminar Coordinator Gary Knight discussed our Class participation in the Capstone Seminar Program.
- Capstone consists of a one-day seminar that all First Class Midshipmen must attend. At these seminars the Mids in civilian clothes and sit at tables of eight. Each table has a facilitator to help lead the discussions on how they would handle various types of everyday problems encountered by ships’ division officers and marine platoon commanders. A senior officer is usually invited as the luncheon speaker on leadership issues. Our class provides six facilitators on four separate dates (two in the Fall, and two in the Spring).
- The Capstone Seminar program is the project for which the Class of 1970 has seen fit to provide the greatest bulk of financial assistance. The annual cost of the program is approximately $19,000, and we donate over 50% of that amount. In the future, when classmates donate funds to the USNA Foundation, they are encouraged to specify on their check that the funds are to be committed to Class of 70 projects, and they can even specifically designate the money to go for the Capstone Seminar program.
- Gary encouraged the attendees to volunteer in the future to agree to become facilitators. Anyone wanting further information about the Capstone program should contact Gary directly.
Mike Novak gave a brief update on the “Another Link In The Chain” (ALITC) program, whereby our Class will link with the Class of 2020 as mentors and role models. While the Class of 2020 will not enter the Academy for another four years, we are already working with the Alumni Association to meet and greet them. Les Gable is Chairing the ALITC Committee, and several meetings have been held (in conjunction with the aforementioned Fundraising Committee meetings). The Class of 1970 will be involved with the Class of 2020 through meetings, celebrations, and other activities. Upon graduation, we will present them their first set of Ensign/Second Lieutenant bars which will, we are informed, contain gold from some of our Class Rings. Also: Their Reef Points will contain a history of our Class (Ring-a-Ding-Ding!) written by Gary Knight. Anyone wishing to work on this program should contact Les Gable directly.
Mike reminded the Class about the Distinguished Graduate Award program. He once again congratulated Dan Akerson for being a 2012 recipient of this prestigious award. Three of our Classmates (Tom Fargo, Mike Malone, and Leo Williams) are being nominated for the 2013 award; and Woody Sutton is being nominated for the 2014 award. There are many others who are deserving of this recognition. All it takes is a bit of determination (and quite a lot of time) to prepare the Nomination and submit it via the Class President or local Alumni Association Chapter. Jim Perry, who prepared Dan Akerson’s successful nomination, has agreed to join our Class Board of Trustees for the purpose of sharing his expertise with other nominators.
There was no Old Business to discuss
At 2:50pm, there was a Motion to Adjourn, which after being seconded, was voted upon and passed. The next annual meeting will be held at the Class of 1970 Tailgate at next year’s Homecoming (October 26).
Updated: October 06, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore